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Dogs are very intelligent animals and they thrive in
environments where they have a lot to do. Dogs in the city are often forced to
spend long periods of idle time. "In ancient times," the dogs lived
on the property of the country and spent their days exploring the grounds
pilfering compost, trotting after the tractor, rounding up the cattle, playing
with children, and take a nap in the shade of an oak tree. The average urban
dog experiences a very different reality: after 7-8 hours of sleep, they get a
short morning walk around the block to remove, followed by a healthy breakfast
served in a bowl. The dog then lies dormant while the owner prepares for his /
her day, take a long nap on the bed until the dog walker arrives in mid-day for
a 30-minute walk on a leash in the park, followed by a nap in the afternoon
until the owner comes home. The lucky dog will spend another 30 minutes walk
with the owner of the neighborhood, maybe share a quick game of fetch in the
hallway, dinner and a cuddle on the couch watching TV with the owner before
Keep your dog busy
Dogs couch potatoes will love this sedentary lifestyle, but
most dogs, if given the choice, I want to be active! In fact, some dogs can not
hack the cushy life at all and instead city, drive their owners crazy, running
around the house, pulling the pillows and dig up the flowers. Why do dogs have
so much energy?
Most dog breeds were developed to perform specific tasks for
people, such as guarding, herding or hunting; work that requires physical
stamina and mental focus. When we choose to open our home to a dog, it becomes
our responsibility to meet the behavioral needs of this dog by providing
appropriate outlets for his physical and mental energy.
"No Pain, No Gain"
A tired dog is usually a good dog! Dogs need exercise. The
average dog has at least two outlets per day. If left to their own devices,
dogs tend to be more active morning and evening, choosing to sleep at noon.
Off-leash exercise is best, provided the dog is trained not to run away or to
obtain other forms of unrest. Be off leash allows the dog to monitor its own
performance - it can work when he wants to rest and when it is needed. This is
especially important for puppies because their growth plates have not yet
closed and too much exercise can lead to orthopedic problems that afflict the dog
the rest of his life.
The widest exercise should be the morning after a good
night's sleep. If you wait until the night you forced the dog to stay sedentary
all night and all day, which is asking a lot. This is especially true if you
plan to leave the dog alone all day. A medium-sized dog, a terrier to a
retriever, expected to be out for 45-60 minutes in the morning and at least
30-45 minutes in the evening.
The intense aerobic exercise is best for dogs healthy,
physically sound. If your dog is a couch potato, check with your veterinarian
before starting any exercise program with your dog. Off leash to run and play
with other dogs, your dog's physical exertion and social contact with others of
its species. If you plan to frequent city dog runs, your dog must have
impeccable manners with other dogs and with people. Adult dogs are not always
as enclosure near a dog race and are more likely to behave aggressively,
especially if there are young unruly dogs present.
Even dogs with orthopedic need exercise managed to keep the
muscles strong so they can support weak bones and joints. Swimming is a great
exercise for any dog, but is especially beneficial for unhealthy dogs, such
as those with hip dysplasia.
Owners with high energy dogs can enjoy their dogs, including
in their own exercise programs, like running, rollerblading or biking.
Sustained run like this is a wonderful way to spend excess energy and keep a
dog in shape, but just like people, it is crucial to establish your dog's
stamina for distance . Make sure you give your dog the opportunity to urinate
and defecate before you go, especially if you have over the lead. Keep in mind
that dogs do not cool as effectively as people - they pant rather than sweat.
If you need your dog run to keep with you, make sure it has many opportunities
to dive into the water. This allows rapid cooling.
Every morning, my dogs run while I ride my bike. I ride a
bike path along a river for every few minutes, the dogs take a quick dip. When
it is hot, they even dunk his head underwater! As long as they can keep it
moist, my dogs are able to run for several miles, even in summer heat waves.
Training a dog to run beside you while you skate or bike can
be a bit challenging, especially if your dog likes to hunt rabbits or squirrels.
Your dog should be taught that it is unacceptable to hunt animals during
exercise with you. Some dogs can learn this only on a regular collar, while
others need to wear a training collar such as a choke collar or pinch, to
ensure the safety of everyone. There are attachments for bicycles parts to
prevent the dog from hitting the bike. A strong feature lets called Springer,
is attached to the bike frame and the dog is connected to the bar. These are
available in some pet stores and websites pet supplies.
For reluctant to exercise themselves own, fetch games are
great, but take care if your dog likes to catch the air to go after a Frisbee
or a ball. They often land difficult and if this happens enough, it can cause
long term damage to bones and joints. Another option is the doggie treadmill.
For a few thousand dollars, you can have the latest exercise equipment to dog!
From what I've heard, if properly trained, dogs like to run on treadmills. I
also heard owners train their dogs to run on their own treadmills designed for
humans. Often, these treadmills have been gathering dust in the basement for
"Will Work for Food"
They say that if people do not use their brain cells begin
to deteriorate. I have no reason to assume that all dogs are different. Dogs
love to solve problems, especially those involving food.
Food toys are a great way to enrich the world with your dog.
All animals love to spend time and effort getting food. In fact, it has been
shown that, if given the choice between free food and food that requires work,
such as research or manipulation of objects, animals prefer to work for their
food. For example, squirrels prefer to give peanuts in the shell than those
already peeled. So instead of giving your dog food in a bowl, free, give it a
puzzle to solve. Give the dog his dinner in a Kong, a ship Goodies, or a Buster
Cube (see below for detailed instructions). Hide small containers of food
around the house and release to go find them. Take his food bowl and mix the
dry food in the yard so he must sniff the grass to find the pieces of kibble.
Training is a great way to stimulate the brain of a dog. In
general dogs love to learn and even old dogs can learn new tricks. Ways you can
practice basic obedience, learning parlor tricks, or set up some obstacles in
your yard so your dog can show his agility. Short sessions of 5-10 minutes once
or twice a day is best. Keep it light and fun for the dog (and you!) Using
food, games, and lots of praise and enthusiasm.
If you want a more formal stimulation, try agility or
flyball training. The sport of agility is to teach the dog to jump, climb, and
weave through obstacles. Most dogs like to use their body and they like to
"play" with their owners, so agility is especially popular among
dogs. A well trained dog agility responds to various commands, including
turning right, left, go forward, turning back, sit, down and stay. Flyball is a
relay race between teams of dogs - one at a time, dogs of a team will race on a
set of small jumps in a special box that, when triggered by the dog, releases a
ball tennis gear. The dog catches the ball and goes back on the jumps to the
owner. The first team with four dogs across the finish line, each with a ball,
wins! Flyball is a very noisy activity because most dogs tend to encourage
their teammates on frantic barking. Serious flyball competitors are quite loud
as well and tend to resemble hockey moms or dads football!
In addition to obedience, agility and flyball, there are
endless activities for owners and their dogs, such as monitoring, search and
rescue, pet therapy, clicker training, freestyle, and so on.
How to stuff food toys
The Kong: Mix dog kibble with a few treats and something
sticky, like Cheese Whiz, peanut butter or canned dog food. Fill the Kong
completely with this mixture and place in the freezer. Frozen is more difficult
for the dog to get out and it's less messy for your floors. Some dogs lick the
Kong until it is empty; Other dogs will learn to throw around so that bits of
food fall. The average dog takes about 20-30 minutes to empty a Kong. The Kong
can be cleaned in the dishwasher (no detergent is needed).
The ship Goodie: Use any wet treat things in shapes with
cookie Goodie ship. There are different sizes and shapes of the ship. Goodie
vessels can be cleaned in the dishwasher (no detergent). Dogs seem to prefer
the ball average ship, perhaps because the toy is in the mouth so that the dog
can use a lot of force to crush and get food.